Saturday, June 16, 2007

Xclusive: Christina Pregnant

Rumors began heating up last week after Christina and her husband Jordan Bratman were seen leaving Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, then popped up again at the Maternal Fetal Medicine Association in NYC on Thursday. Christina has also been taking pains to hide her stomach behind a notebook and large scarves and sweaters.  Perhaps even more telling, Christina’s usually quick-to-deny rep instead issued a statement saying,I cannot confirm.  My sources tell me, Christina is totally pregnant. We’ve known for weeks. She’s about 10 weeks.  If the timeline is true, this would give Christina a last week of December/first week of January due date.  Christina Aguilera is pregnant. It is official. So the rumors are no more. Aguilera has yet to release an official statement, but expect one soon.  Christina’s pulling a Gwen Stefani — the final leg of her tour starts next week and lasts through August 3rd!

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